About Us/Our Core Values
Our Core Values
The Bank’s culture is centered on six guiding principles. These unique principles have become synonymous with us over the years and continue to contribute to the success story of the Bank.
Our Core Values are ….
Trust: We are reliable, what we say is what we do; trust us to always do what is best for our customers.
Integrity: We are straightforward, direct and easy to deal with, making the complex uncomplicated.
Professionalism: We are thorough and efficient, always inspiring with confidence.
Quality Service Delivery: This is our major strength; we’re constantly improving on our ability to serve the active poor.
Our Social Mission: We care, we believe in the cause of our double-bottom line, building and sharing for the good of all and most importantly the active poor.
Zero Tolerance to Loan Delinquency: In helping our clients to grow their businesses and improve their life style, we have put in place dynamic loan repayment models which will help prevent default.